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Agriculture and Food Microbiology Night

The One Health group from the ASM Vic Branch organised their second online event via zoom on Wednesday 7th of October 2020. The event was open to the public and we had 48 attendees. The event was successful with three very interesting presentations.

Our first speaker was Dr Kate Howell from University of Melbourne gave us some fantastic insights into the importance of microbial biogeography and how that influenced the profiles of regionally distinctive wines. Our second speaker Dr Jacqueline Morris from Agriculture Victoria/Latrobe presented her work on characterising a local Liberibacter species and how this species compares to the pathogenic species that pose a risk to our agriculture production. The final speaker was Mr Behrad Radmehr from Swinburne who presented his work on characterising Bacillus cerus group isolates from raw and pasteurised milks in Victoria.

The presentations were very interesting and gave an overview of three diverse research areas. Event report by Jake Lacey

This event was organised by the One Health working group.

15 September


26 October

Virtual Coffee Roulette