The ASM commits to a safe, inclusive and positive environment for all participants in our ASM activities regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, marital status, veteran status, age/career stage, physical appearance or disability. In our communications, we will be inclusive of people from all backgrounds. Discrimination or harassment of others will not be tolerated. Members asked to stop any inappropriate behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Members violating this code of conduct may be sanctioned, suspended or expelled from the society and/or activity without a refund at the sole discretion of the ASM Executive as well as refused attendance at future ASM activities. This code of conduct applies to all individuals who organise or attend/participate in ASM activities. This includes, but is not limited to ASM members, non-members, speakers, attendees, staff, volunteers, and exhibitors. This code of conduct also applies to any form of communication between ASM members.
This policy applies to all activities organised, run or hosted either solely or jointly by the ASM. ASM activities includes, but is not limited to:
• Events including conferences, workshops, speaker series, professional development opportunities, awards presentations, and networking events. This policy applies to in-person events, virtual or online events, and hybrid events. This policy also covers behaviour on social media around ASM events, for example when using a conference hashtag as well as social interactions that take place at external sites connected to any ASM activity.
• Committee meetings (National, State).
• Communication including emails, phone calls and other types of correspondence.
Code of conduct
All people covered by this policy are expected to behave respectfully and professionally when engaged in ASM activities. Participants of all backgrounds, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, marital status, veteran status, age/career stage, physical appearance or disability, should be treated with respect. Examples of expected conduct include:
● At events or meetings respect all other people who are part of the event, including attendees, speakers, guests, staff, contractors, suppliers and other service providers.
● Keep correspondence of any kind at a professional level at all times.
● Act with due care and diligence.
● Treat everyone with courtesy and avoid all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.
● Comply with all applicable Australian laws and ASM policies.
● Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by ASM leadership.
The ASM does not tolerate bullying, harassment or discrimination and has a commitment to investigating, and where warranted, acting on reports of these behaviours in a prompt and decisive manner using transparent processes consistent with the ASM By-laws and Constitution.
Prohibited behaviours
The following represent types of behaviours that will not be tolerated during the ASM activities:
● Intentionally talking over or interrupting others.
● Engaging in biased, demeaning, intimidating, coercive, harassing, or hostile conduct or commentary, whether seriously or in jest, based on gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, marital status, veteran status, age/career stage, physical appearance or disability, power differential, or other identities.
● Engaging in personal attacks of any kind.
● Commenting on personal appearance.
● Retaliation for either reporting conduct concerns or for assisting in conflict resolution.
● Disruption of meetings or events (for example “Zoom-bombing”).
● Any unwanted/perceived romantic or sexual advances.
● Engaging in harm or threats of harm of any kind.
● Producing or distributing audio or visual recordings of ASM activities without authorisation.
● Producing or distributing photographs of presentations or materials without permission.
Individuals experiencing or observing inappropriate behaviour or breaches of this code are encouraged to document their observations and report to relevant officials even if the breach appeared relatively minor or was not experienced in a negative or distressing manner. Individuals are encouraged to report as soon as is safe and practical, to a staff member, Committee member or to another relevant ASM representative responsible for the ASM activity. Individuals can also report inappropriate behaviour to their supervisor after an activity, with this then to be relayed to the ASM President. All reports will be treated in confidence and responded to promptly.
Breaches of this policy
The ASM reserves the right to remove an individual who breaches this code from the ASM activity without warning or refund, prohibit attendance at future ASM activities, and expel the person from the rights and privileges of membership of the Society. The ASM Council will determine actions taken by the ASM in response to a report of breach of this code and will be guided by the ASM By-laws and ASM Constitution.
Related policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with the ASM Diversity and Inclusion policy, which sets out the ASM’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion in our programs, activities and the workplace of our staff; how we achieve those objectives; and how we measure those achievements.
Accountability and Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the ASM Executive to ensure the implementation of this policy. It is also the responsibility of any organiser of ASM activities including state branch committees and local organising committees to ensure implementation of this policy at those activities. Progress on the implementation of this policy will be reported annually to the ASM Council by the ASM President.
Review of this policy
This Policy will be reviewed annually by the ASM Executive. Reviews may also occur as needed when opportunities arise to enhance or improve the policy.