Summer Student Research Awards
Undergraduate microbiology students intending to complete a summer research project may apply for the Summer Student Research Award. This year two (2) students will be selected as award recipients.
Applications for 2025 have now closed.
Prize Details
• Certificate
• 1 year student membership to ASM
• $1500 award upon completion of the research project and submission of an acceptable final report
Eligibility Requirements
Essential criteria:
Any undergraduate student who is completing studies in Microbiology or related disciplines will be eligible to apply. This includes students who are currently completing Honours or have completed Honours in the same calendar year as the award is offered. Masters by Coursework students completing studies in Microbiology or related disciplines are also encouraged to apply.
Sponsors (i.e., laboratory heads or alike) must have a track record in Microbiology or a related discipline, including (but not limited to) investigations of the molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physiology, genomics, bioinformatics and host-pathogen interactions involving microorganisms (including the areas of food, industrial, environmental and medical microbiology), epidemiology (as this pertains to infectious disease) and immunology (as this pertains to understanding the immune response towards infectious agents).
Sponsors must be an ASM member at the time of application
Application Requirements
Applications will consist of:
• Research project description, including project background, aims, methods, and references
• Sponsor’s letter of support, describing the technical assistance provided to the Applicant
• Applicant’s CV
• Applicant’s Statement of Interest and Motivation
ALL documents must be formatted using 2 cm margins, 12 pt font, double-spaced throughout, and comply with the page limits indicated below.
Projects that are perceived to be too general in scope or not feasible within the 4-week time frame will be less attractive for funding.
Assessment and Ranking of Applications
Applications will be assessed by a panel of reviewers, drawn from the ASM VIC Branch committee members. A minimum of three (3) reviewers will participate in the assessment of applications each application period. Reviewers with a conflict of interest will be excluded from participating in the assessment of those application(s).
Applications will be assessed and ranked using the following criteria:
• Applicant’s CV (25%)
• Applicant’s Statement of Interest and Motivation (25%)
• Sponsor’s letter of support (25%)
• Research project description (25%)
At least one award may be awarded each application round, subject to quality of the applications.
Conditions of the Award
A photograph (with caption) of the student, preferably depicting them working in the laboratory, must be provided. It should be of sufficient quality for publication in the monthly ASM Vic Branch eNewsletter and the quarterly online magazine Microbiology Australia.
A report on the completed summer research project must be prepared by the Applicant (i.e. student) and provided to the ASM VIC Branch committee within 1 month (i.e. 30 days) of the end of the research project, and no later than 31 March 2025.
The report must be written as a scientific paper containing the following Sections:
• Title
• Abstract (200 words), including authors (student awardee and supervisors) and affiliation(s)
• Background or Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• References. These must be used throughout, listed at the end of the report, and should be in the style of the Journal of Bacteriology
• The document must be formatted using 2 cm margins, 12 pt font, double-spaced throughout, and not exceed five A4 pages.
As a condition of this award, you give us permission to publish your name, project title, report abstract and/or photograph on our website, in the monthly eNewsletter of the ASM VIC Branch and in the quarterly ASM journal, Microbiology Australia. The abstract of the report and photo should therefore be of sufficient quality for publication purposes.
Payment of the Award
Payment will occur:
• After selection to be a summer research award recipient
Applications for 2025 have now closed.
Rylee Dehan, Desirel Ng, Nhu Quynh Doan, and Isini Buthgamuwa
Taylah James, Sameer Mohammad Khan, Jacinta Agius, and Cecil Wheeler
Jay Law, Adeleine Chew, and Irena Jovanovska
Yinglei (Jenny) Hua, Joshua Vido, and Cassandra Stanton
Don Ketagoda, Sonja Repetti, and Lauren Zavan
*Four winners were selected for the 2021 and 2022 rounds, due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 and 2021, respectively.
**2018 was the inaugural year for this award